Wednesday, February 27, 2013

魔。喜。多 Mojito

 第一次做的时候根本还不是酒保,当时也只会做简单的Sex on the Beach、Woo Woo之类的把全部材料倒进摇樽里倒出来就是的东西,是看到吧台忙得不可开交帮着忙得做而已。看着老大留下的酒林秘笈,天啊这鸡尾酒的步骤还真是复杂,很多手法是见都没见过,硬着头皮的做。



后来发誓一定要把这酒学好,几个月的苦练,终于有人喝了来告诉我说:The last best Mojito I've ever taste was in Las Vegas!!  / 比我在北京喝的还好喝呐~ 开始有了点信心。

I once have a very unpleasant experience with this cocktail, I was not even a bar man at the first time I made this, just try to help when I see the bar is too busy. All I know is shake-everything-and-serve style cocktail, when I read at the manual from my senior bar man DAN, I couldn't understand any of the steps, and end up the customer complain and pour the drink.

After some effort I've put in this drink, I start to receive some compliment from client. I won't say I've already mastered the best Mojito in the universe, but I would like to share this cocktail, which I get most compliment to you~


Let's look at the ingredient.

材料 Ingredient:
- White Rum 白莱姆酒
- Dark Rum 黑莱姆酒
- 1 Whole Lime青柠
- Fresh Mint Leave 新鲜薄荷叶
- Demarara Sugar 褐糖
- Soda Water 苏打水(汽水)

工具 Tools:(不知要怎么翻...)
- Muddle
- Shaker Glass
- Crusher
- Bar Spoon
- High Ball Glass


 开始吧~首先,把两匙的褐糖放入杯中。Put 2 spoon of demarara sugar into the high ball glass.

接着将青柠切成片,一颗大概可切成八片。slice lime wedges

挤进杯中。squeeze into glass

接着将薄荷叶从梗上拔下,留下一小搓最后做点缀用。peel the mint leave, remember to leave a small bunch for decoration.

此时把薄荷叶放在手上,用另外一只手拍打,破坏叶子的纤维以释放香味,接着放进杯中。put mint leave on hand and slam it, so it release more flavour.

然后倒入50ml的白莱姆酒,这里选用普通的Bacardi,因为Bacardi的酒味不会很浓,才不会太过抢掉薄荷与青柠的香味,我试过用Havana Club结果调出来太浓。Put 50ml of Bacardi, I choose Bacardi here because it is not too strong so it won't cover all the flavour from the contain, I've tried with Havana Club White Rum end up it's too strong.

此时用muddle挤压杯中的内容物,为的是让青柠汁、薄荷还有褐糖能够融到酒里去。Muddle the contain so all the juice and flavour mix together.

 趁着腌渍的时间,拿出shaker glass,放入冰块开始砸冰。用碎冰机碎的冰不会有自己砸的那么美的texture,时间允许的话这个步骤是必须的。While the drink is seasoning, use shaker glass to crush some ice.

接着,先把一半的碎冰倒入杯中,然后用bar spoon把沉在下面的内容物捞匀。Mojito经常是一下子喝完就剩一堆碎冰的鸡尾酒,所以先放一半的碎冰,捞匀后可增加一下饮料,也比较好看。put half of the crushed ice into the glass, mix them up with bar spoon so you get more liquid and better presentation.

放入剩下的冰。Put the rest of the crushed ice.

在上面打入苏打水增加一些fizzy的效果。Add in soda water for fizziness.

最后淋上一些黑莱姆酒增加香气,也可使用香料莱姆酒(Spiced Rum)这里用的是 Havana Club 7 Year,但我个人其实比较推荐 Captain Morgan Dark Rum。Sprinkle Dark Rum (or Spiced Rum) for extra flavour.

放上薄荷叶点缀,最后放入吸管即完成~ Decorate with mint leave, put straw, Enjoy~~