Tuesday, August 17, 2010

《The Expendable》看什么?

The highlight of《The Expendable》?

n months before while I am eating the rapid-cooling pop-corn and waiting the movie to screen, the first moment I saw the trailer of this film, I was thinking of is that a Movie-Editing-Idiot’s product that had been hacked and post on the screen? Until the end the film name and the director’s name exist, then I know this is really an up-coming movie. I thought when Alfred told me about this last few months ago, is it a joke?

Friday, August 13, 2010

100813 WAMM Short Film Screening

Just went back from the screening session of 《Breakthrough》exhibition. It is a collaboration project done by us with 《We Are Malaysian Made》Short Film Non-Profit Organization.

《WAMM》is a website that aims to highlight local talent in the fields of FILM, MUSIC, THEATRE and EVENTS. Especially on the stuff you don't normally hear about through regular channels. Their vision is to become a one-stop FREE online resource website compiling updates and info from various sources into one place ; To execute community driven projects to propel and provide a platform for our local tents to showcase their stuffs ; To set up a local Directory so that you know the who’s who that you don’t normally hear or read about. Those who interested can check out on their website~

刚结束了《突破》展览中的短片播放会环节。这是我们与《我们是马来西亚人做的》(We Are Malaysian Made, WAMM)这个短片组织(网站)合作的项目。

话 说《我们是马来西亚人做的》这个网站是一个“笼络本地的短片、音乐、剧场与艺文活动,尤其是那些你在普通媒体听都没听过的东东”的网站。他们的目标是成为 一站式的免费资源汇集网站;提供本地有才华的创作人一个展出平台;设立一个让你知道谁是谁的谁的目录,也就是介绍参与的创作人啦。有兴趣的人兄可到他们的网站看看~

Thursday, August 12, 2010


《Art Domain》Opening Celebration

Should I congrats for “Re-Opened”, or should I congrats for “Moving Site”?
《Art Domain》is the site name of my previous MSN Space, I almost forgot the intention of opening that Space. Feels like I was touched by Anna’s Space, and opened my Space in a whim, posting all the nonsense of me and my friends talking about in the mamak stall onto the web dream to gain some fame? At that time quite a lot people viewed and followed myspace because of my Nonsense Talking KungFu. I abandoned it later as addicted in Friendster’s hotties… Facebook flooding… and I don’t know why the My Space suddenly slow like shit!



话 说《艺术领域》是以前我的MSN Space部落客的“部名”。也忘了为什么会开始写,现在回想起来像是被诗婷学姐的部落打动,所以一时兴起也开了自己的部落客,把我们几个朋友平时喝茶爱 讲的废话翻译成第三者看得懂的语气用词po到网上。也算想赚几个知名度吧,好像因为我讲废话的功力在朋友中算中上阶层所以还蛮多人来定期浏览我的部落。后 来因为沉迷于在Friendster上找美女的照片,又因为“非死不可”的盛行,加上My Space不知何故慢得像乌龟一样,所以后来也跟My Space渐po渐远。

The Opening Reception of 《Breakthrough》 Art Exhibition

《Breakthrough》 is an exhibition initiated manage and curated by young artists. We started to do this show without any experiences. After putting all our effort and getting all up-coming problems solved, we bring this show to you.

7th August 2010, is the opening reception of , it is our honor to invite YB Wee Choo Keong to our opening to give a few remarks. And thanks for all our supporter, sponsors and all the guests.

Doing a show is hard, we'll keep on moving with your support.




Photo taken by Alfred Choo and Gan Lai Huat (My Father)


Thanks for Viewing.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Why I think that "Dream Intruder"(Chinese Translated) is a good movie. ( For those who haven’t watch, please go and watch before you watch my blog. )


《盗梦空间》其实不是正式译名,只是在网上看到那些网友在帮片商讨论这部片该怎么翻,而这个译名是我最喜欢的,噢By The Way,这部片原名叫《Inception》。