Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Why I think that "Dream Intruder"(Chinese Translated) is a good movie. ( For those who haven’t watch, please go and watch before you watch my blog. )


《盗梦空间》其实不是正式译名,只是在网上看到那些网友在帮片商讨论这部片该怎么翻,而这个译名是我最喜欢的,噢By The Way,这部片原名叫《Inception》。

"Dream Intruder" is not the proper translation of the Chinese film name, it’s just a result after the people discuss about it for the film company. And this is the best name I think, oh by the way, the original name of this film is .
Before I start grumble with it, I’ll have to tag a few movies, comics, stories that this movie reminded me. If you ever watch these stuffs you can just remind it for a while, or you’ll get even more confused by watching my blog than watching the movie . ( Actually… is this film really makes things confused?? )

1. The Dark Knight
2. Ito Junji – The Longest Dream
3. 2012
4. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
5. Paprika – also translate as “The Dream Detective” ( In Chinese )
6. Avatar
7. Iron Man 2

First of all, I’ll have to salute to the Director and also the Script Writer of the film, Christopher Nolan, A very young man, only 39 years old, but produce such a good film. , a good film with no grumbling plot, no complicated characteristic, perfect composed movie soundtrack, and a very satisfaction of two and a half hour. Nothing is unnecessary, and nothing is left behind.
Let’s talk about the movie, somebody might get confused when the movie starts, who is that old guy? Why the Japanese failed them but still hired them to work for him?? They intrude the rich man in the dream or it is in the reality???
The plot that I’ve understood is like this:
A rich guy, hired a guy who is too playful and get his wife killed to brain wash his commercial enemy, and he trade the guy’s innocence with under-table method.
I think this is the main plot.
What I appreciate this film is they use a simple script, but affluent it with complex plot, they don’t even waste a single second in the two and a half hour. I think the director gain something from his previous movie . Compare with the “Conspiracy inside the Conspiracy”, the “Dream inside the Dream” becomes more User-Friendly. No Jargon, no distorted logic ( It is quite rare to see director to use logic in filming Dream as their topic, usually they fuss with the distorted logic inside a dream, hence a confusing topic become totally chaos. If you think that is a very confused film you should watch that film by Satoshi Kon, the director totally turn the world upside down, inside out.)
The movie starts with the ending scene, where Saito get trapped in his dream until he is old. Then it continues to the exam given by Saito to test whether his “Brain Wash Army” is reliable or not. The exam question is to let them intrude to his dream and steal some secret in his mind. And they pass it actually, but to find someone that might be traitor so he told them they failed, and Nash really seek refuge to Saito, where he ended up kicked out from the movie by doing this. Then Saito give Cobb the mission, to incept his commercial enemy Fischer’s mind to ruin his company himself, by exchanging his immigrant control. Then the film continue, Cobb go to his father as Nash had been kicked out, his father then introduce a young girl to him as he didn’t get married after his wife died ( actually I wrote this part myself ). Then Cobb continue in finding his previous partner to join the mission. After getting mundane in playing Call of Duty, Saito insist to join the mission. And he bought the airline company just to cheat the rich guy who’s father just died. They ended up getting infected by virus because of lacked research, after they get the rich guy’s mind distorted, Cobb get the authority to go back to his home.
The film didn’t explain the things inside the film deliberately, as we don’t know how the machine function, we just know it is a plug-and-play device… we don’t know when they started the invention of “Dream Sharing”… why did the African fellows ended up like this, to ”wake up” by dreaming… The rich guy’s father is really “disappointed to him” or the “disappointed to him by following his father’s career” is a fake… How powerful is Cobb’s new designer Ariadne, because we never know how “maze” is the dream Ariadne designed, I mean for Fischer, we just know that Ariadne can see through Cobb’s mind very easily… The film never mentions about what is Cobb’s father doing actually… Of course, what I mentioned above is not important to the film, not at all.
“Time” is a very important element in this movie. The director creates the climax of the film by playing with the time gap between each layer of dream. This made the effect of “Sudden acceleration” and “Sudden Delay” not that weird at all, and it is very Logic. He even never slot in any CG effects in an unnecessary method. Imagine when the van fall into the water, the hotel then become earth-quaked, volcano tornado and any else bullshit comes 10 times horrible than 2012, if they really did this I won’t write this film comment. The director only show a bit fancy effect when Cobb is showing the machine to Ariadne, and it never come out again, only a few gravity distortion, car chasing, some explosion, but it brings the audiences into the plot.
Now we look at the wife (girlfriend) of Leonardo Dicaprio, seems like they won’t have good ending in his films, get drown in (Actually she didn’t died, but still get torture in the north pole.)… getting cheated in … get killed in … get cheat until suicide in … I’m not going to talk about his wife here, the special in the film is the director didn’t use Cobb’s wife as an ending, but Saito’s dream, as this scene totally clamp all the film in the beginning until the end. So Cobb’s wife is just as a character to talk about the “Love” element in the film, what I would like to talk about is Saito’s Dream.
It makes me think about Ito Junji’s comic “The Longest Dream”, the story tells about a guy who fells into a endless dream, The guy in Ito’s comic is just a guy who suddenly can remember his dream, while we always forgot is after we woke up. let me think that, if we don’t wake up from dreams and keep moving on, we’ll end up ruining our entire life, aybe this is the main them of the movie, a simple theme, what the director trying to tell the public.
Just like , the movie plays between the reality and fantasy. It reflect the desire of realty in the fantasy, and reflect the defect of our world in the reality. Movies always shows possibility, but how we think back to our life after watching the movie?

Some ideas after watching the movie.
If the technology of “Extraction” can be fulfill, then it is another revolution of SONY and MICROSOFT, we won’t have to spend time in playing games anymore, we can just buy a DREAM STATION and play it when you sleep! With the technology of multiple players in “The MATRIX”, the people who are sleeping can play games online globally. Addition with the function of time acceleration and delay, pay more, you have more time to play! If you’re fired, you can enter the server of DREAM LAYER 3, and use 10 years to get you boss fucked up! And wake up the other day to find job with full of confidences!!

In public contribution it functions more!! Tomorrow is the deadline for idea and concept submission? Just invite your Art Director, Creative Director, and Designer Team to enter your dream together, spend 2 years to come out with a perfect Idea Proposal, cool enough right? Exam tomorrow? Enter DREAM LAYER 4 to use 20 years to study for a Math-tambahan Textbook, or spend your entire life-time to finish the PAST EXAM QUESTION.

1. The Dark Knight
2. 伊藤润二 长梦
3. 2012
4. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
5. 红辣椒,又译“盗梦侦探”
6. Avatar
7. Iron Man 2

首先,要向导演兼编剧Christopher Nolan致敬,年轻有为的39岁,却能编导出这样的电影。这部电影,刚刚好的剧情转折,刚刚好的角色性格,刚刚好的电影配乐,刚刚好的意犹未尽,刚刚好的两个小时半,全都不多,也不少,刚刚好,所以他真是一部好电影。


“一个有钱佬,找了一个因为玩耍玩过龙害到自己老婆跳楼的人去洗脑他的敌对公司的新老板,在用under table tactic来删除他的罪名。”

所以我欣赏这部电影的第一点,运用简单的剧情,配上丰富的转折串起整套电影,两个小时半没有一秒钟是浪费的。我觉得后者套电影是导演从Dark Knight中吸取经验整合成的吧?相比起Dark Knight的计中计,Inception的梦中梦显得较为浅显易懂。不乱用专有名词,不随意扭曲世界逻辑(这在以梦为题材的电影、故事中较少见,大家都喜欢以“梦是摆脱现实的”为梗大做文章,然后本来就很乱的题材就被弄得更乱了。如果你觉得Inception很乱,请看看金敏执导的动画《红辣椒》那你就觉得Inception真的是太容易看明白了。在这里导演很User-Friendly的只扭曲了做梦者的意识而已,在还有逻辑的梦世界里观者还不至于失去“正常判断能力”)

整部电影的以电影的结尾桥段拉开序幕(这是常用的叙述手法吧,把结局先在开始的时候透露一点点,让观众雾煞煞,看到最后的时候就会讲“哦~~原来是酱~~~~”。整部电影只有这个部分是没跟着时间轴走的。)接着直接转到剧情的开头,齐藤为了测试他雇用的“洗脑军队”是否可靠,而开始了一项让他们盗取自己脑中的秘密的测试,最终其实他们都合格了,但为了找出不可靠的人所以就欺骗他们不合格,然后Cobb团队当时的设计师Nash就跑去投靠齐藤,结果被逮成叛徒逐出了这套电影接下来的剧情。然后齐藤就对Cobb开出了正式的条件,即以取消他的入境管制为条件让Cobb为他达成目的,对他的敌对公室的新老板Fischer进行洗脑好让他的超级强敌自行瓦解。然后就计划实行咯,Cobb因为旧手下被踢出局了,就去找他老豆求救咯,然后他老豆就看他酱老了还没再婚,就介绍一个天才幼齿美眉给他咯(这是我乱掰的啦:P),然后他再去找曾经合作过的伙伴加入咯,齐藤玩Call of Duty玩显了三八想试一下这个全新的LAN Game就坚持要参一咖咯,然后就买下整个航空公司来入侵一个刚刚丧父心情低落的有钱少爷的大脑咯,哪里知道没做够research进到人家的脑里面中virus咯,然后把人家的观念歪曲了之后就跑回来咯,因为任务成功了所以齐藤就允诺让Cobb可以回家咯。

电影并没有刻意把时间加强在对电影里的事物进行描述,如:到最后,你都不懂那台机器是怎么function的,只知道它是很神奇的plug-and-play机器。这个“集体共享梦境”的实验到底是几时开始的,然后那些非洲佬为什么会沦落到酱,到底结果那个有钱佬的老豆是真的对他失望还是那个其实不是对他失望是捏造的(Happy Ending就是前者咯,商业片就是后者咯)到底那个Ariadne也就是Cobb的新任设计师到底有几厉害,因为到最后你也没有发现那些梦境到底有几“迷宫”,只知道她很容易就看穿Cobb这个当时最厉害的梦境破门行窃匪的心思。剧情也没有交代Cobb的老豆是做什么的,整套戏做完只知道他是他的老豆而已。当然,我提到的这些对整部电引的剧情都不重要。


现在看一看Leonardo Dicaprio的老婆(女朋友),好像每一部戏都很惨,在Titanic里被浸死(好像没死啦,不过也是在天寒地冻里挣扎)Catch Me if You Can里被骗啦Shutter Island里被杀啦Inception里被骗跳楼啦这里不是要讲他的老婆,我想讲的是这部电影的结尾并不是拿他的老婆做梗,而是齐藤在梦中所渡过的光阴,因为他一开始就做,然后结尾又作,这个桥段完全把整部戏“夹着”。所以他的老婆是用来阐述剧中的爱情,这里我看不用我多罗嗦了。我想提的是齐藤的梦。



如果Extraction的技术能成功,那将是SonyMicrosoft家电的一大革命,大家再不必花时间在打Game上,大可以买一架Dream Station在睡觉的时候大玩特玩,通过Matrix的多人上线宽频技术,全球睡觉的人同时上线玩翻天,Ariadne作为梦境设计师电玩设计师成为新一代电玩界霸主。而且还有时间减(加)速与额外功能功能,付更多钱,你能玩更久,如果你今天被炒了,大可以下到layer 3Server,用一小时的睡眠重复殴打你的老板10年。然后第二天醒来充满自信的找工作。
民用方面贡献就更大啦~~明天是给客户看草稿的Deadline?今天邀请你的Art Director, Creative Director, Designer team一起入梦,用两年的时间来出一份完美的Idea Proposal,够眩了吧?还可以立马在梦中做梦试验可行性。明天要考试?只要进入layer 4 Server,你能用20年的时间来读一本高中统考高数,或用一生的时间去做历届考题。


  1. 哇哈哈哈哈!!!! 这篇太棒了,尤其后面的dream station...XD


  2. 还会有2的。。留下一些疑点好延续

  3. 齐藤掉进去的叫limbo(迷失域),我也是联想到:handshake:
    其实inception引起我太多的感触,相比起matrix,致命魔术,the Dark Knight,这电影是第一部让我看后失眠的。小孩无法转头的那一幕,我是多么的激动,现实的我总是深深思念某人,却又无法清晰的回忆她的五官脸庞。你这么喜欢分析与探讨电影,没有去豆瓣吗?
