Monday, November 21, 2011

良禽择木而栖 - A Good Bird Choose a Good Wood to Stay

Untitled Sketch 2011 #7  ,  Charcoal on Paper  ,  29.7cm x 42cm  ,  2011


还有,贞明夫人一面为丈夫戴正头上的黑色官帽,一面又说:“有道是:良禽择木而栖,贤臣择主而侍。” 良禽择木。

贞明夫人所引的“良禽择木”是孔子在卫国时说过的话。当时卫灵公寻问孔子关于作战布阵的事情,孔子立即回答:“俎豆之事,则尝闻之矣;军旅之事未尝学也。(注:祭祀礼仪之类的事,我听说过;用兵打仗的事,我没有学过。)” 之后,孔子便催促学生们准备离开卫国。学生们不知其故,于是孔子说道:“鸟择木,无木择鸟。” 此言后来演变为“良禽择木而栖,贤臣择主而侍”孔子认为,君子遇事之时应看清在哪才能使自己的聪明才智得到最大程度的运用。

Chinese idiom: "Liang Qin Ze Mu Er Qi" , means: A good bird will choose a tree that is suitable for it, to stay and build it's nest.

Madam Zheng Ming said these words to her husband when putting on the black hat that represent as a Minister on him, "some said that, a good bird will choose a tree that is suitable for it, to stay and build it's nest, a good minister will choose a good king to serve."

The idiom that quoted by Madam Zheng Ming is the word that said by Confucius at Wei Kingdom. The Duke of Wei ask for opinion from Confucius about the battlefield lineup issues. And Confucius tell him that: I know about the matters of worshiping and courtesy, but never thought about battle and war. After that, Confucius urged his students to prepare to leave Wei Kingdom. The students feel strange about this, then Confucius told them: "Only the bird choose wood, never the wood choose bird." and this word become "a good bird will choose a tree that is suitable for it, to stay and build it's nest, a good minister will choose a good king to serve." Confucius think that: a gentleman should always think about whether the situation or place is suitable for him to show his talent and intelligence before making a decision.


常常会听到朋友之间说:“唉... 那个老板都不是人来的,做到半死,人工那一点点。”、“你就好咯,遇到酱好的老板,看我做到半死都没有你薪水高。”很多时候我们埋怨自己的上司不好,呆的环境不能有所发挥,每天郁郁寡欢,悠悠不得志的感觉。如果埋怨能够改变现状,那你早就不埋怨了。那竟然觉得自己对得起天地良心,从没吃蛇偷懒,那为什么还是怀才不遇呢?



I start the topic with this idiom. Let's talk about environment today.

Always heard these kind of grumbling between friend's conversation, "My boss is inhuman, work like shit, and the pay is really like shit", "I'm so envious of you to work under such a good company, my work load is more than you but get pay not even as you." We'll stop grumbling if grumbling can really change the bad situation. If you have a very clear conscience, then why you still always feel like you're sinking in a bottomless mud?

Some master quoted that, if you can't change the environment, change yourself. Easy to say with your lips, but what to change about yourself?

That's Attitude, State of Mind & Deportment, what else?





Attitude decide everything. Which mean how you treat the outside, they'll treat you back at the same way. So to show sincerity is very important. Ask for chance with sincerity, and behave to be modest to learn. Attract people with stronger abilities than you (also included your senior, your boss) to share with you, and try to help people weaker than you (also included your junior) to improve. People with kind-heart always success.

Loyalty is important as well, if you cant treat your boss well, don't ever think that they will help you. If you always think of betraying someone or back-stabbing, don't pray for help when something bad happen on you.

Pursue for perfection is the least demand. I bet you won't buy a new Mercedes with a scratch outside the door. Perfection means exactly same with what your boss (or customer) ask for, not giving any extra, so it's absolutely reasonable. Once I always afraid that it might be hard to compete when I enter the society, but it is not that worse as I've thought when I start to work, as we can ignore people that too weak to compete, people who really success is not those people who study really well in school, but those with active attitude.




Statement of Mind means how you affect your attitude to others with your psychological. Of course, optimism is the most important attitude. Have you prepared for anything that will happen accidentally? There won't be any good thing happen if you always release bad energy. We can be those so-called Angry Youth, it is necessary, if we can't even speak our word against things we think it is unfair, can't think out of mind, can't discuss with others, how can we strive to become someone who can really do something to change the world? Think big, work small, be optimistic.

Chinese believe that people will be in the same group that behave like themselves. Look around your circle, what did your friends look like is just same as you. Those lazy one, those wait to be kill one, those wait the durian drop one, those megalomaniac one, those always day dreaming one, those eating dinner at morning one, those always boasting one, is your friend behave like this? You won't have to tear up your friendship with them, try to persuade them with sincerity.




Deportment mean how impress people to let them figure your attitude and state of mind. Although we say: "Don't judge a book by it's cover", but Chinese people believe that how a person look is how he behave. And since "Don't judge a book by it's cover" this word exist, mean there's still many people judge a book by it's cover. So whether you'll success or lose the combat is decide at your first impression.

Always revise your deportment before you go out. Be concise, be clean, be polite.



No matter what bird you are, new bird, old bird, lame bird or good bird. If you can always remind yourself with the things i mentioned just now, show your sincerity, show your loyalty, stay hungry, stay foolish, wear smart, speak gently, I'm sure you'll get a lot of good wood to choose, which mean good chance. Become a good bird that can choose wood, not a lame bird that always torture by wood.

To Share with you.

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