Sunday, October 24, 2010


As a Malaysian, as a Malaysian Fine Art Student, I finally watch the local film《Ice Kacang Puppy Love》 today… I feel so sorry as I didn’t support them in cinema, but I’m damn busy during that hour, please forgive me.

A Niu’s songs always give me a “Nanyang Taste” impression, I’ve watched a drama series called 《The Same Blue Sky》 when I’m still a child, the drama is about a group of youngster living their life between their fish village hometown and the big city. The theme song is also from A Niu’s song named 《The Same Blue Sky》, I always remind the scene when Lee Nam Xing went to the sea with his boat. Everytime I listen to this song while I’m studying in KL, it recalls me that under the same blue sky, my families are on the same land of this nation. In this film, the blue sky we see through the old shop building, the pond in the jungle, it reveals the memoir of my childhood.



Its is hard to narrate a story with a movie. The first impression for me after watching this movie is A Niu’s song , he success to tell a sorrow story in 4 minutes 51 seconds. I was attracted when I first listened to this song by his ending melody, I feel that my soul had been detached and enter the upset A Niu inside the song. As a narrative work, I prefer the song, I’m not trying to compare and debate which is better, as the touching feeling after watch (listen) a movie (song) is beyond the method they create the movie (song). The most different part between our life and the movie is, we really lack of Happy Ending, we can always rewind the movie (song) to appreciate it again and again, seeing what had our mind change in different age range, but our life, we could never flash back, what done is done, we can never make the choice again, that to make the decision with a mature way in the immature age. When our green age comes to an end, we can only shake our hand to the pass, and continue our journey to the future. 

要用一部电影来讲述一个故事是不简单的。看了这部电影第一个让我联想到的是阿牛的另一首创作《阿牛与阿花的故事》,四分钟五十一秒的时间里,把一段让人悲伤的故事阐述的凄凄动人,第一次听时就让我留下很深的印象,尤其是结尾时那无奈的结局,慢慢远去的旋律,仿佛我的心也被牵引进歌曲中阿牛苦苦等待的灵魂里。如果要说故事,我觉得《阿牛与阿花的故事》说得比《初恋红豆冰》还来得动人,当然不能同期而论啦,我只是想说我本身对于牛导的作品的感动,毕竟看(听)了一件作品所得到的感动是没有媒介之分的。人生与电影或小说故事最大的不同在于,我们实在缺乏Happy Ending,我更想说的是,电影小说我们想起那段情节是时还能拿起来从新品味一番,看看不同年龄的我们会用怎样的角度去重新理解那段故事,但生活却不能如此,过了,就是过了,我们不可能重新的作一次选择,用新的价值观去决定以前我们要走的路。青涩的年代过了,我们只能向往事挥一挥手,继续踏上生命的旅途。

Let’s talk about the movie, The scene is very attractive, I prefer than . I feel that the color tone in is too strong, that I could not even feel and see it in our life. But the grayish tone blended with colorful scene in did match with my memoirs. As a Johorian, my childhood memories is full of old building with stone lion, 2cm square blue mosaic, old shop lot with bird nest on the ceiling, grocery store with various size of glass and yellow bulb, and the wretched bus. When I travel out of my town, what I saw is stretch of oil palm estate. Although in my age we never play “Gohli”(bakuli) anymore, and no more “Fight fish” nor “Leopard Tiger”(a kind of fighting spider), but my father always told me that the age of his childhood they used to play these, and I feel that bakuli, fight fish, leopard tiger is also part of my childhood memories. Compare with the compact plot of , the plot of touched me as they are talking about the immatures’ puppy love, ambitious to their future and the helpless to the realism.


“Movie can use as a storage, keeping the things such as these old bicycles, old shops, bakuli, fight fish into a glass box, and someday when these things had all gone, we can still recall of them with movie” The director said in the , I really agree with that.
In the ending, “Everybody left the small town, the white prince become a singer, white kopi opened his own coffee shop, and we never saw Malingfan and Malibing…” I almost shed my tears at the moment, Isn’t it true? We never met someone, maybe the friends we cherished the most after we’ve graduated. It is the step of our life that tear us apart, just like Botak and the Fight Fish, maybe we are just dwelling in the same city, maybe we’re just a few inch from our distance, but
The one that step onto the different journey, would never meet each other again.


Is it the lonely way to grow up when we choose to leave our home? Look back, the memories are stored into the treasure crate of life, we could never feel that feeling again, but whenever we’ve been brought back to our memories by something. Those faces, are just so clear, Immature one, are just so clear.



  1. 你的影评令人很动容,也许正是因为这部电影给你的,也是这份动容的情感吧~很棒!真的。

  2. 牵动人心的电影,看完后那段旋律曾在我的心坎里旋绕数日...

  3. 几时再回头?望望昨夜的梦,故人依旧,故乡依旧,唯,已找不回当时的朦胧。
