Wednesday, August 24, 2011


虽然我们不曾一起细述梦想    但我们也是把酒言欢的朋友。

虽然相见恨晚    但我们也曾一起度过无数夜晚。

虽然我们都不是对方生命中最重要的人    但我们却填补了对方生命中几个重要的时刻。

Although we never talk about our dreams     But we did have some laughter with wine

Although we get to know each other in a very late time    But we did spend a few night together

Although we are not the most important person in our life    But we did come through some important moment of our life

多么希望这只是一场恶作剧    你会突然跳出来澄清说:我没事啦!!搞错了啦!!


电影中    亲友发生车祸


往往就是救护车赶到    伤者送院    家属亲友纷纷赶来    在手术室前哭哭啼啼

或者    伤者倒在地上    面对着镜头    说出遗言    然后咽下最后一口气



现实中    就是这样的吧?


庆幸的是    你不需要受什么痛苦    就走了

平时翻着报纸    我们都不会感受新闻里失去亲友的人的悲痛

而当我们知道你的事情的时候    却由心里觉得非常的难过

有了facebook    我们也不常联络    我们觉得朋友只要常看看对方的新照片    看你说说最近到了哪里    做了些啥    这样就够了    却不会按下“message”的按钮    给你来句问候。

人生就是这样    我们不知道我们这一次说了再见    以后是否真的能再见。

虽然你已经走了    但我会在接下来的日子里忆起你。



I hope that this is just a joke    you'll jump out and say: Hey dude I'm fine!! It's just a joke!!

But    It's not

In the movie    when accident happen    we see the ambulance coming    take the victim to the hospital    then the families of the victim come    crying out of the surgery room

Or the victim lying on the ground    speaking out his last words    and died

But you won't even have the chance

Luckily    you didn't need to suffer

We won't get to feel the sadness when we see the other's news over the newspaper

But we are very sad to get to know about your accident

We rarely contact    although there's facebook    we just check for each other's photos, status, where have you been, what have you done, but we won't even press the "message" button to send some greetings.

When we say "Let's meet again!" (mean goodbye in chinese), we don't know whether we really have the chance to meet again

We will always miss you

The jokes we've talk together
The games we've play togeher
The people we've teased together
The place we've traveled together
The years we've spent together

Rest In Peace   Keda

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